Sunday, 27 March 2022

Building my inquiry

As I begin the journey as a CoL Teacher in the Manaiakalani Kahui Ako I am beginning to think about Inquiry. My context is development of the NZ/Aotearoa History Curriculum - and my goal is to identify areas where my inquiry will make a powerful contribution to wider school and cluster goals.

  • At this stage of My inquiry the focus is to:

    • identify valued learning outcomes which include but are not limited to achievement outcomes

    • Profile: Investigate the nature of the students’ strengths and gaps in relation to valued learning outcomes in detail 

    • Focus on the issue of student learning

What are the key learning objectives that teachers see in respect to Aotearoa New Zealand History? How does the new Curriculum fit with the learning that has already taken place?

I am really keen to connect with teachers from across the Kahui Ako to understand what the reality is for their learners.

First I need to understand before I can create and test my hypothesis in regards to the teaching and Learning of Aotearoa History

1 comment:

  1. Well thought out plan Scott! This is an awesome opportunity for our Kahui Ako!
