Sunday, 26 August 2018

Relational Pedagogy

In 2017 I taught only seniors. At the time I thought this would allow me to be really focused on lifting NCEA achievement. A nobel goal. But with the benefit of hindsight, a mistake.

Results, Credits, Achievement matters. But at the core of that is relationships. Educators spend a great deal of time learning to, and understanding how to build relationships with students. This year I have learned the best place to do that is in the junior school.

In the junior school achievement does matter, it is important to have a literacy and a numeracy focus to raise achievement BUT there is more freedom to be experimental without the pressure of the NCEA assessment due next week Friday.

Relationship pedagogy to me is building an effective connection with students, that is built on mutual respect and an understanding of where each other comes from. Its not a hard thing to do, if you take the time to get to know the students. In the junior school this is so much easier.


1 comment:

  1. This is great to hear Scotty. Are you able to support with a student voice survey? Cheers,
